May 19th, 2022 | by CSHARK
CSHARK Shares Insights on How to Establish & Manage Remote Workforce in Post-COVID Times

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What’s up in South East Asia?
CSHARK keeps the momentum in Singapore – we’re finding new ways to grow and evolve in this market. And we’re always up for a knowledge-sharing moment.
Upcoming Monday, May 23rd, Maciej Rohleder (Co-Founder of CSHARK) will give an insightful presentation during a webinar on “Digital Economy & Future of Work Best Practices Case Studies”.
Maciej will talk about something that we’ve been doing best since the beginning of CSHARK – working and cooperating with clients remotely. His story of establishing & managing a remote workforce is based on real examples and has been neatly packaged into our framework. Questions that will be answered on Monday include:
- When remote work fails?
- What are its unusual benefits?
- What has really worked for us in real-life situations?
Our presentation is part of the event organized by Singapore Business Federation and CEEC Singapore, aiming to showcase the digital landscape of CEE. CSHARK represents Poland together with 2 other companies (BLIK and Verestro). The main focus of the event is very up-to-date and revolves around the post-Covid acceleration of changes in the mode of operation of companies and the ways of working with clients. Covid certainly was a catalyst for introducing innovation, so how did organizations handle this challenge?
You’re welcome to join the webinar on the organizer’s platform:
We’re eager to share more information and our insights on establishing and managing a remote workforce very soon. Stay tuned.